詠春樓國術會 (香港總會)
Ving Tsun House Martial Arts Association (Hong Kong Headquarter)
地址 / Address:
Flat A, 4/F., Wai Ming Comm. Bldg., 757 Nathan Rd., Mong Kok, Kowloon, HK.
總教練 / Chief Coach:
梁沛忠師傅 Sifu Leung Pui Chung 流動電話 / Mobile: (852) 9480-7639
(師承徐尚田師傅) (Disciple of Master Chu Shong Tin) 電郵 / E-mail: sifulpc@vingtsunhouse.hk
學院經理 / School Manager:
李曉虹博士 Dr. Lee Hiu Hung 流動電話 / Mobile: (852) 6371-6395
電郵 / E-mail: rainbowlee@vingtsunhouse.hk
助理總教練 / Assistant Chief Coach:
余桂祥 Yu Kwai Cheung 流動電話 / Mobile: (852) 9741-2869
電郵 / E-mail: sifuykc@vingtsunhouse.hk
高級教練 / Senior Coach:
曾偉新 Tsang Wai Sun 流動電話 / Mobile: (852) 9487-5160
電郵 / E-mail: peter@vingtsunhouse.hk
梁沛雄 Leung Pui Hung 流動電話 / Mobile: (852) 6024-1958
電郵 / E-mail: jeremy@vingtsunhouse.hk
連文賢 Lin Man Yin 流動電話 / Mobile: (852) 9492-5935
電郵 / E-mail: stephen@vingtsunhouse.hk
吳輝浩 Ng Fai Hoo, Adley 電郵 / E-mail: adley@vingtsunhouse.hk
梁沛賢 Leung Pui Yin, Alexander 電郵 / E-mail: alexander@vingtsunhouse.hk
梁沛雲 Leung Pui Wan 電郵 / E-mail: wilfred@vingtsunhouse.hk
陳韋原 Chan Wai Yuen, Walter 流動電話 / Mobile: (852) 6211-6208
電郵 / E-mail: walter@vingtsunhouse.hk
教練 / Coach:
程鉅源 Thomas Ching  
林志文 Lam Chi Man  
曹宏業 Cho Wang Yip  
梁詠芝 Leung Wing Chi, Ada  
黃振僑 Wong Jun Kiu  
余振榮 Yu Chun Wing, Henry  
楊鐵鈞 Yeung Tit Kwan, Kitson  
陳永鴻 Chan Wing Hung  
杜秀群 To Sau Kwan  
李曉虹 Lee Hiu Hung  


副教練 / Deputy Coach:
詠春樓教練培訓中心 (培訓中心及香港辦事處)
Ving Tsun House Coach Training Centre (Training Center & Office of Hong Kong)
地址 / Address:
Flat A, 4/F., Wai Ming Commercial Building, 757 Nathan Road, Mong Kok, KL.
聯絡人 / Contact: 梁沛忠師傅 (Sifu Leung Pui Chung)
電話 / Tel: (852) 2175-8381
傳真 / Fax: (852) 3544-1466
電郵 / E-mail: sifulpc@vingtsunhouse.hk
辦公時間 / Working Hours:
Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays
詠春樓國術會 (美國西岸分會)
Ving Tsun House Martial Arts Association (Branch of Los Angeles, USA)
540 Fairview Ave, #39
Arcadia, CA91007
E-mail: c.hing@att.net
教練 / Coach:
程鉅源 Thomas Ching 流動電話 / Mobile: 626-375-2101
詠春樓國術會 (中國佛山分會)
Ving Tsun House Martial Arts Association (Branch of Foshan, China)
地址 / Address:
Roof floor & 4/F, Building No.3 Bei Yue,
Fo Ping Road, Guicheng, Nan Hai District,
Foshan City
E-mail: stephen@vingtsunhouse.hk
高級教練 / Senior Coach:
連文賢 Lin Man Yin 流動電話 / Mobile: 0139 27745 028
詠春樓國術會 (中國中山分會)
Ving Tsun House Martial Arts Association (Branch of Zhongshan, China)
地址 / Address:
3/F, Gongchen Primary School, 
No. 42 Gongchen Road, Shiqi District,
Zhongshan City
電郵 / E-mail: wilfred@vingtsunhouse.hk
高級教練 / Senior Coach:
梁沛雲 Leung Pui Wan  
教練 / Coach:
彭正凡   流動電話 / Mobile: 13802694107
副教練 / Deputy Coach:
郭海斌   流動電話 / Mobile: 135 28173216
詠春樓國術會 (深水埗 / 油尖旺區詠春班)
Ving Tsun House Martial Arts Association (Ving Tsun Class of Sham Shui Po / Yau Tsim Mong District)
深水埗區養生詠春班 Health Ving Tsun Class of Sham Shui Po District)  
地址 / Address:
Pei Ho Street Sports Centre, 333 Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po
Po On Road Sports Centre, 325-329 Po On Road, Sham Shui Po
開班時間: 逢週一,上午十一時正至下午一時正
Class Session: Monday, 11:00AM ~ 1:00PM
油尖旺區詠春班 Ving Tsun Class of Yau Tsim Mong District
地址 / Address:
Kwun Chung Sports Centre, 17 Bowring Street, Jordan
開班時間: 逢週三,晚上八時正至十時正
Class Session: Wednesday, 8:00PM ~ 10:00PM
教練 / Coach:
黃振僑   流動電話 /Mobile : (852) 9603-6030
Ving Tsun House Martial Arts Association
電郵 / E-mail : sifulpc@vingtsunhouse.hk
網址 / Website : www.vingtsunhouse.hk
聯絡人 / Contact  : 梁沛忠師傅 (Sifu Leung Pui Chung)